Thursday, September 4, 2008

Unfortunately we are doing really good in Mixed Martial Arts world, we have embraced unlike paintball. We are always called in to help in many ways.. we are so reserved because of how pball is and how we had to deal with bs in the pass. we are saddened that pball is not what it should be and in other industries including mma has thrived.. we believed its the heads of pball..

I've done everything from junkies to kapp, xtreme to cobra, 32 and diablo and i realize when they know I'm on my own they want to shit.

I understand that.. but compete in branding, better news and all that.. yes its a bad situation when your top 3 and hated.. i believe it.

but as far as pball we are still here and selling, dealers are buying and its not our products its the dealer not doing what they should and the greater whole. no one comes in and buy no more.. i have warned and warned but it seems like its not news..

i tried to post but i get banned even on the new site. but for some reason its gotten extremely political and sad.. no looking outside the box and in the mma spotlight, it seems paintball has been the one that's been so picky.we are literally in our own world and not accepted anywhere else.ppl generally know nothing about the pro paintball world, just the woods world. and 50% of them care nothing about rules, politics and all that..
I can rant all day and get off track but yea, definitely better place, I have a lot in store in paintball, will it be embraced? I dont know. It seems no one buys..