Monday, May 18, 2009

Why Paintball May Be Banned in Germany (Continued)

This report came to me as an email on the current report on Germanys ban on paintball by Lars Herzig

Geschäftsführer / Managing Director,,4255121_start_436_end_791_type_video_struct_3217_contentId_4246809,00.htm

Paintball is a modern way to play cops and robbers, only here the guns used to eliminate opponents fire paint pellets. People who play paintball, also known as gotcha, say it's a harmless sport. However, a working group composed of experts from Germany's state and federal interior ministries say paintball is dehumanizing and encourages violence. They want politicians to draw consequences from the school massacre in Winnenden and ban games like paintball.


Don Saavedra said...

I'm confused as to why there is so much contradicting information out on the net about this. It's going to be banned, they've dropped it, it's a different ban now, it's back on again...

houdini RIP said...

They banned paintball in a few Australian states after a similar incident back in the 80's. It took 10 years for paintballers to lobby for change. When will the politicians realize that it is problems like depression and school bullying that send these kids over the edge. If people are sick enough they will use whatever they can get their hands on to murder - even kitchen knives - so are they going to ban mothers cooking or butchers cutting meat in public? I hope for the sake of all paintballers that this little German politico chest puffing about paintball stops...

mike250 said...

I sincerely hope this doesn't go through and once again it shows the stupidity of policy makers.

anyhow I've just started a site over at, and would be interested in putting a link to your site on there in exchange for a link back.

If you're interested, email me at and we'll chat.

Keep up the great work